Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wow it has almost been a year since my last post......

I don't know if anyone reads this anymore since its been almost a year since I have updated this, but a totally awesome day with my kiddos deserves a post:)

Gage's Bday was on monday and Ellie's is on Friday so we decided to rent this Giant waterslide and do both parties on the same day!!  So James and I went and picked up this Gigantic slide that barely fit in the back of the mini van.  We got it home and lugged it into the back yard, I really got worried once we started rolling it out, I didn't think it was going to fit!! But once we started blowing it up we realized it was going to be okay:) Did I mention this thing was HUGE!! The kids were in heaven and loved every bit of it!

                                                Love Ellie's animated facial expressions!!!
                                                         Gage and all his friends!!
                                                                        Present time!!

                                  I think there were some feet in a few faces in this one, but no injuries!
                         Time for cake!!!  Yes I realize this is a little extreme but since I can do it, I did it:)
                            With a quick Change in colors and cake, it was on to the next party!!
                                                             Ellie and her friends!
 Ellie's Cute cake!! Luckily she wasn't to upset that hers was only a 2 tier and not 4 tiers like Gage's!!

                                                              Present time for Ellie!!!
So much fun!!! We had a great day, thanks to all of there friends that came and for the awesome strong neighbor for helping James Drag that thing back out of the yard because I was totally exhausted and no energy left to help:)

Monday, August 29, 2011

1st Day of School!

Marlie is off to 5th and Jaiden is off to 3rd!! They are so

excited to start the new year, we have been on year

round for so long there summer's were always

so short!! This year we start traditional

school so they had a full summer so they

were really ready to go back this year!!

Now if they were this happy every morning for the rest of the year it will be a great one:)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Eggs Everywhere!!!!

I know I have neglected my blog for quite some time, so here is

an overload of pictures of are crazy Easter weekend!!!

We started off the Easter weekend with our nieghborhood

Flashlight Easter Eggs hunt!!! It was a little cold, but lots of


Grandma Dini's Easter Egg Hunt

James is trying to pretend like he isn't Freezing!!!

Just filled up there basket with tons of candy!!!
(thanks to all the help from cousin Dani)

After they got all there candy!!

Marlie got these silly masks from the hunt!!!

Time to Dye some Easter Eggs!!!

Still wearing that bunny mask!!

All the Masterpieces!!!

Grandpa & Grandma Candrian's Easter Egg Hunt

We laughed so hard when we saw this picture!! You can tell how
fast she is going by her hair!!

Ellie never stopped running!!! She was fueled with Sugar!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Jaiden's Special Day!!

Today Jaiden got Baptised!! It was such a special day!!
She was so nervous, but so excited! We are
so proud of the choices she has made and the
example she set for her siblings!!!
We love you so much!!

Thank you so much to everyone that came
and supported Jaiden on her big day,
It meant so much the her and all of us:)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Jaiden!!!

Happy Birthday to our Sweet Jaiden!!!
She is 8 today!!! Wow I can't believe how
fast time goes by!! We love you so much and
are so proud of the sweet girl you are!!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dear Santa....

This is Marlie's letter to Santa that
she wrote in school today!!
(i hope you can read it)

She is so cute, but at what age do you tell your kids about

santa??? So many people have told me that she needs to know so

she doesn't get made fun of at school, but she is so into the magic

of christmas, I know it will break her heart when she learns about it!!!

I am for sure not telling her before this christmas, but should I tell her after??

So sad to break your childs heart!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Skating with the Stars....The Taylor Stars!!!!

The girls have been asking for the past couple of
years to go ice skating, but we always thought
Gage and Ellie were to little...but this year we
decided to take them! We went down to the outdoor rink at
Gallivan center, I love downtown this time of year!!!!
We had so much fun!!

I love this picture, right after we put there skates on

Ellie started to get really worried and wasn't sure what to expect!!

James pretty much just pushed Gage around the whole time,
He loved it and said WWwweeeee all the way around the rink!!!

Ellie decided she did like it at first she just kept
saying things like, "I think I better just watch" and "this is
not working for me, i think its time to leave" But after going
around a few times she started to have fun!!

These two were fearless...they got out there and just went for
it!! They loved it (even though they fell over and over) they just
got right back up and kept going!!!!

They ended up sitting at the end to just watch the girls!!!
It was such a fun night:)