Monday, September 21, 2009

10 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 years ago today I was frantically running around my
parents home yelling were going to be late!!!! I was so nervous that if we didn't get to the temple in time they wouldn't let us get married!!! But as you can see we made it and it has lasted 10 wonderful years!!! I love you so much James, thank you for the being the best husband and daddy in the world!!!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!


Brittany said...

Wow -- 10 years! That means 10 years ago I was a college freshman. I remember my dad had to pick me up from the BYU dorms to go to your reception! It's amazing how much changes in that time -- you have one of the cutest families I have ever seen.

Amy Lovell said...

Seriously? 10 years? Congrats!!! 10 years later and you have four of the most adorable children ever. 10 years from now and your oldest will be in college! Crazy.

AJ Candrian said...

Congratulations Jill and James! I remember I was stuck in Rexburg the day you got married. I can't reiterate enough the statements made by my sisters... your family is absolutely one of the cutest!

Casey said...


Xoxo Grandma said...

Congratulation! Jill you're an adorable mother & James is a wonderful father to your children. Keep it up, it's a lot of work raising a family but worth it.

Lindsay said...

Congrats! LOVE your wedding pic!

Sally Williams said...

Congratulations on 10 great years!!! Here's to many more!