Monday, August 2, 2010

And another Year begins!!!!

Wow!!! Its time for school already, we were just getting
used to school being out for the summer!!!
Marlie and Jaiden started 4th and 2nd
Grade last week!!! I will admit I wasn't
ready for them to go back yet, partly because
they were such good helpers around the house
and they kept Ellie and Gage entertained,
but also because we really were having
a fun summer:) How fast time flies!!! We still
have so much more planned for the rest of
summer, but we will just have to get a little
homework in along the way!!!! I usually take tons of pictures on the first day of school,
but are morning didn't go quite as planned...The girls got
up and got dressed, I got Jaiden's hair done and was in the
process of doing Marlie's when she said "mom I am seeing
things" and I pretty much caught her as she was about
to passout!!! She laid down for a minute then thought she
was going to throw up (but luckily didn't) was as pale as a ghost
and then laid back down and didn't want to go to school!!! So now we
were running way late and I grabbed Jaiden a pop tart and we
got in the car, when Marlie came running to the car and said she
wanted to come!!! I thought for sure it was just nerves!!! Although
when she has gotten really nervous in the past she has never passed out!!!
So we finally got to school and the lines were all going in, I made them stop really
quick for this pic, but that was it!! Luckily we got Jaiden in at the end of her line
and hurried to Marlie's class!!! I thought for sure I would get a phone call from
the school saying that she had passed out!! But luckily no phone call and they
were both all smiles when they got home from school!!! Gotta love those first day
jitters!!! Hopefully the rest of the year just gets better:)

1 comment:

AJ Candrian said...

Wow... the school year starts early these days. I don't ever remember starting before end of August/beginning of September. Are they in year round school?