Monday, July 20, 2009

Swimming Lesson Time!!!

So we started the kids in swimming lessons again
this year! Marlie and Jaiden have done it a few
years, but this was Ellie's first time!!! So at first
she sat on the stairs and wouldn't do anything,
then I basically had to get in with her, then she
finally would let the instructor take her into the
water, and was really enjoying it, then she got a little
to comfortable and went all the way down the stairs...
well she couldn't reach so needless to say everyone
went after her!!! She was just fine, but stayed on
the stairs from then on!!!!

Jaiden did really well and finally let someone
help her float on her back...she hates doing that!!!

Marlie is almost a pro!!! This is her swimming away!!!!


Lindsay said...

Yay! They are doing great. Where are you taking lessons?

Woodward Family said...

Fun! Your kids are so cute! We need to do something soon!