Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"Mommy...My shirt is broken!!!!"

So I put this shirt on Ellie yesterday and immediatly
she started pulling down the sleeves!!!
She quickly realized that they weren't long
enough to reach her hand and was in tears!!!
She was so upset and said, "mommy my shirt is
broken" I felt so bad for her!!! She wanted it
off immediately!!! She couldn't stop
crying long enough (nor could I stop laughing) for
me to explain to
her that the sleeves were supposed to be
that way!!! Finally James of all people was
able to eplain to her, that that is how the
shirt is suppossed to be!!! We got a
good laugh out of it, but I highly doubt
she will ever wear that shirt again!!!


Brittany said...

That is the cutest/funniest thing ever and totally brough a smile to my face! I probably would have been laughing too hard to explain, too. You have the cutest kids I know!

Lindsay said...

LOL, that's so sweet! It's such a cute shirt!

Greg and Heather said...

haha! it's a cute shirt too!

Xoxo Grandma said...

Oh Ellie, it's so funny how kids react to things that upset them.