Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Gage's First Steps!!!!


Amber and Kent came over for a visit and they

were playing with him trying to get him to stand up

and after doing it a few times he took a step!!!!! So

we worked at it a for a few minutes and he started

taking more steps!!!! He is growing up so fast!!! He

will be one next week!!! YAY Gage Good Job!!!!!

(sorry its crooked I can't figure out how to flip it)


Brittany said...

I can't believe he can walk already! We got Kent's wedding invitation in the mail yesterday -- his fiance looks so cute! I wish we could be there for it!

Erin S said...

What a cute boy you have! I wish I could have seen you in Park City!!

Casey said...

SOOO Cute, you are in for it now!

Xoxo Grandma said...

He'll be running soon, keeping up with Jaiden...oh, no!